Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Shameover

A hangover that for the most part is based upon how ridiculously drunk you were the night before, I had one last Sunday too, so bad that it even carried over to the Monday, where at work and on my own for the most part of the day was plagued by anxiety and almost guilt. It's the vodka.
However, it's not as though you have done anything that actually warrants this sensation, I was just drunk, blackout drunk, and I sense, not my best self, ( who knows, for all I know I could've been a better self!) nothing really to be ashamed of. I find that I sometimes can't maintain the conversations that I want to be able to hold, I become increasingly awkward, have few images at best of the latter part of the night, whether anyone else actually notices these traits I don't know, this is my social anxiety playing out. Anyway, point being, I am hungover and anxiety ridden, and will not drink vodka again, spoken in true stereotypical 'I'm never drinking again' form..
God, someone help me with this solitude right now. It was a good night though!

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